Achieve Main Brand Success: Transform from Telco to Techco with Circles

Unlock the potential for greater revenue, profitability, and customer experience through strategic main brand transformation.

Transform Your Telecommunications Business

Winning in the telco market demands more than incremental improvements; it requires bold, strategic action. Telco CEOs and leadership teams must drive revenue growth, increase profitability, and enhance customer experience—all in a highly competitive environment with high fixed costs. With proven expertise in telco transformation, Circles provides the strategic solutions needed to achieve these outcomes, helping you transition from a traditional telco to a modern techco.

Why Transformation Matters

In today’s market, standing still is not an option. A staggering 70-90% of digital transformations fail, often due to legacy systems, fragmented customer journeys, and the complexity of large-scale change. Circles ensures you’re in the winning 10%,
driving rapid growth and seamless operations where others falter.

For Operators, by Operators

Accelerate Sustainable Growth: Quickly develop and deploy new digital services, enabling you to capture emerging revenue opportunities and expand your market share.

Boost Profitability: Streamline and automate operations, reducing operational costs and increasing efficiency, which frees up capital for strategic growth initiatives.

Enhance the Customer Experience: Offer tailored, data-driven customer experiences across all touchpoints, increasing satisfaction and reducing churn.

Founded by telecom insiders, Circles understands the specific challenges telcos face. Our SaaS platform is designed to:


Staying Ahead of the Market

To achieve sustained market success, telcos need to provide more than just connectivity. The ability to adapt to changing consumer demands is essential. Consumers expect high-quality, seamless experiences across social media, streaming, and digital payments. Delivering high-value, integrated services is key to staying ahead.


Consumers See Telcos as Stuck in the Past

Consumers often see telcos as basic service providers—reliable but unremarkable. As long as services are uninterrupted and prices are low, telcos rarely stay top of mind. However, this perception limits growth, trapping telcos in a cycle of minimal innovation and slower advancement. To break free and stay competitive, telcos need to shift from being seen as just service providers to becoming leaders in delivering integrated, high-value experiences.


Creating Real Value in a Crowded Market

To thrive today, telcos need a new business model—becoming tech-driven techcos that leverage SaaS platforms and advanced technologies. This approach integrates digital solutions like personalized experiences, seamless transactions, and advanced analytics. In a crowded market, this tech-driven, SaaS-powered model is key to creating lasting value and standing out. Adopting this approach positions telcos to lead and capture consumer mindshare.

The Circles Advantage: Transforming Your Main Brand

Key Outcomes for Main Brand Transformation

More Digital Services for the Savvy User

Legacy telcos can no longer rely on contracts and 5G to bring in revenue. With the rise of more OTT services and challenger brands, legacy brands have to evolve to maintain their market position and continue to grow.

Better User Insights and User Experiences

Telco apps can serve as a starting point of origination for consumers. Beyond the ability to check your bills and data, your app can serve as a connection to other non-telco services.

Brand Domination and Reclaiming Market Share

For some telcos, using sub-brands to test segments and business hypotheses is ideal, thanks to favorable economic outcomes, government backed funding, or consumer demand.

Expand Digital Services for the Modern User

Legacy telcos can no longer rely solely on contracts and 5G to drive revenue. With the rise of OTT services and agile challenger brands, it's crucial for legacy brands to evolve and innovate to maintain their market position and foster growth.

Enhance User Insights and Experiences

Your telco app can be more than just a utility for checking bills and data—it can become a central hub for consumers, connecting them to a wider range of non-telco services and enhancing their overall experience.

Reclaim Market Share and Dominate Your Brand

While some telcos may experiment with sub-brands to test segments or business 
hypotheses, others need to focus on strengthening their main brand.

Circles helps you develop new features, recapture market share, and elevate customer satisfaction through higher NPS (Net Promoter Score), ensuring you attract, retain, and delight customers—driving true market dominance

Why Main Brands Fail to Grow Market Share

The Burden of Legacy IT Systems and Aging Infrastructure

Legacy IT systems and aging infrastructure present significant barriers to growth. Outdated, fragmented systems and hardware create data silos, slow down processes, and require costly, perpetual integrations.

The complexity of managing these systems makes it difficult to innovate or respond quickly to market changes. Circles’ clean slate, full stack technology approach bypasses these legacy systems, enabling faster, more agile transformations that unlock new growth potential and operational efficiency.

Lack of Visibility into User Behavior

Many telcos lack the necessary insights into user behavior that are critical for monetization. The complexity of existing systems often prevents the effective collection and analysis of customer data.

Without this visibility, telcos are unable to personalize offerings, optimize customer experiences, or drive profitability—essential elements for gaining a competitive edge and increasing market share.

Challenges with Traditional Strategic Approaches

Telcos often rely on traditional approaches to digital transformation, which often involve a patchwork of legacy OSS/BSS systems that do not seamlessly integrate. This lack of cohesion can result in operational silos and inefficient processes, slowing down the ability to innovate and respond to market changes.

Modernizing these systems through a more cohesive, cloud-native approach is essential for telcos to streamline operations, reduce costs, and implement strategies that drive revenue growth, profitability, and enhanced customer experiences.

Getting from Telco to Techco

Market Research and Geographical Knowledge

We understand international expansion and localisation, having worked with some of the biggest telco players in the world. In 15 countries across 5 continents and counting, we’ve implemented solutions that have transformed businesses at their core, in market.

Phased Acceleration

We understand business transformation. In addition to our tech stack and know-how, we’ll help co-create and design a phased approach so you know what you’ll be focused on from day 1 to year 3. Armed with a business plan and a product roadmap, we make sure your business outcomes are always clear and aligned with your goals.

Clean Slate, Full Stack Approach

We’ve created the world’s go-to digital telco SaaS platform. With both operator technology and operator knowledge, we’ve created a clean slate, full stack approach so you can go into this with a clear and focused vision. Here’s to the end of multi vendor integrations – and the beginning of a clear sense of what you’re building.

Driving Success for Leading Telcos

At Circles, we understand what it takes to achieve market leadership. Our deep expertise in overcoming main brand challenges is grounded in our experience working with some of the largest telco players globally. We've not only built successful outcomes at previous companies but also continue to forge strong relationships, guiding our partners through full-scale transformations. By leveraging our proven strategies and industry insights, we help telcos create sustainable pathways to growth and market dominance.